Always aim for the impossible rather than settle for the probable!

Hello! My name is Zachary Ade, and I currently reside in Louisville, KY. In early 2020, during the pandemic, I made a significant change in my life by switching from a computer science major to studying film and filmmaking. After three years immersed in this field, I graduated from Pomona College in 2023 with a Bachelor’s degree in Media Studies, focusing on film production.

Throughout my college years and into my post-college career, I have gained extensive experience in video and audio production and post-production. In college, I worked on various short films, exploring diverse topics that challenged me to develop concepts and experiment with my directorial and cinematographic skills. Upon moving to Louisville, I had the pleasure of working as a Video Journalist for WLKY, where I honed my abilities in shooting and editing daily news stories.

Now, as a solo filmmaker, I am excited to explore new genres and craft unique stories to bring to life. I am even currently working on a feature-length documentary revolving around an environmental issue here in Louisville. I look forward to tackling any and all future projects!

  • In addition to attending Pomona College and graduating in 2023 with a Bachelor's in Media Studies, I grew up primarily in Montana, where I was involved in various activities throughout high school. My love for film has been with me since childhood, but it wasn't until college that I made a last-minute, monumental change in my plans based on a gut feeling about the direction I wanted to take my life.

  • I love to challenge myself as a director and writer. I aim to eventually tackle a wide range of genres and filmmaking techniques, constantly learning and pushing limits. Additionally, I aspire to combine my activist roots with my filmmaking abilities to produce socially meaningful content.

  • I like to consider myself a "Jack of All Trades" throughout my life. While this is sometimes perceived negatively, I prefer the full adage: "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." This resonates with me because my diverse interests have always led me to new adventures.

    In filmmaking, I have worked to become a better writer, while also gaining professional experience as a cinematographer and editor. I feel extremely confident in these areas, and I've also spent ample time editing podcasts, building social media campaigns, and even engaging in public speaking. My goal has always been to continually learn new things and strengthen my skills in a well-rounded fashion.

  • Watching films is obviously one of my biggest hobbies. I have a Letterboxd where I enjoy rating and writing about each movie I watch. Going to movie theaters is especially enjoyable for me because there's truly no better place to experience a film. My favorite movie is Interstellar, and I also love films like When Harry Met Sally, Lone Star, and Good Will Hunting.

    Coming from a theater background, I developed a love for shows and musicals long ago. I listen to a lot of music, particularly 70s and 80s new wave. Being a passionate fan of Philadelphia sports teams (since I was born there), I also make time for golf whenever possible.

    I am deeply involved in social issues and strive to be as much of an activist as I can. Lastly, and most importantly, I have two cats that I absolutely adore and couldn't imagine life without.

  • Yes, I'm incredibly excited about an upcoming documentary I'm working on, though it's still in pre-production and likely a ways off. I'm thrilled to be writing, directing, and editing this environmental documentary, which addresses a critical issue affecting the Louisville community. I can't reveal more at this time, but I'm eagerly looking forward to sharing details as we begin seeking funding.

See what I offer!