May 5th, 2022

Fragments of Affections

Produced, Written, and Directed by Zachary Ade

It was my senior year at Pomona College when I first came up with the idea of the short film that would eventually be my senior thesis. The idea was to show the fragments of memory that existed within people of their first date or dates they had with the person they would eventually fall in love with. What was important to me was the chemistry between the two actors—who were chosen after hours of auditions looking for the right mix of personalities. Another focus of mine was to hone in on the physical displays of awkwardness—and later affection—that often get overlooked. Thus, I spent less time focusing on dialogue and more time focused on physical space. While I was stuck within the confines of 5 minutes for my thesis, I nevertheless was delighted to take on the challenge of showing a timeline of falling in love.


Ya Love To See It


Untitled Feature Documentary (Coming Soon...)